Saturday, November 1, 2008


Mommy brought Luna to the SDCCS Halloween Carnival, only to pawn her off on Willy Wonka, who reportedly smelled a great deal like me. She seemed most comfortable when she was facing away from the goggles . . .

The artistry of Cindy:

After all the festivities, Luna was far too tired for traffic or trick-or-treating, so the grandparents had to come to us.

Here, she demonstrates what she will do to any unsuspecting humans that land on her lawn.

And now she assumes proper bee posture.

But even in bee guise, she still retains her thirst for literature.


Anonymous said...

Hi Bee! It was fun spending the afternoon with you on Halloween! You are the cutest bee ever and I hope to see you again soon.

Amanda said...

I do believe your sweet Luna has stung me with her cuteness!

Dash said...

luna the busy bee :)

more pictures please if you can! :)

and cindy, thanks so much for your help and ideas on the flowers! :) maddie told us about your suggestion about the flowers at the table! :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Dmitry and Cindy and Luna,

I just found your link to this blog via facebook and it is so darling. I am so happy for you guys what a cute little family! I can't wait to have Luna in my art classes soon.

Much love, Allison