Sunday, April 27, 2008

Showing Some Personality

These are close to what I had in mind. To get them, I held Luna while Cindy took the pictures.

As you can see, she is already trying out some adult roles, such as mobster . . .

and chain-smoking French intellectual.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yes, I'm 34 today. Cash gifts will not be sneered at.

Luna is having a growth spurt. Not only are her cheeks getting chubbier, but she wants to eat ALL THE TIME! Poor Cindy is on a very short leash. I feel bad that I always have to hand her off, saying "She's eating her hand again." (This seems to be a consistent hunger sign, although she will sometimes attempt to nurse from me, as well, with little success.)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

More sleepy pictures

A rare moment out of our arms . . .

Sometimes we have a hard time believing that the person looking up at us was tucked up in the womb just two weeks ago, but it's not so hard to imagine when she looks like this:

Here she is, still asleep in her organic teddy bear towel as bath time begins.

What I don't have yet is a picture of how she looks at me. I almost think I would have to have a camera in my eyes, but if I could get that shot it would be different from all the rest, because when she's looking at me, she doesn't look like a baby--she looks like a person.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Luna has been sleeping all day today. I suppose it has something to do with the heat, or perhaps with the fact that she wasn't so into sleeping last night.

I hope this doesn't turn into her new thing, because we've actually been getting a surprising amount of sleep. There have been a few nights when Cindy and I have both approached a full 8 hours. Granted, it wasn't all at once, or in the same place, but sleep is sleep, right?

Oh, and Luna has another cute new habit--PEEING ALL OVER ME! This has happened four times since yesterday morning, and it's just been with me, not Cindy. (She peed while Cindy was bathing her yesterday, but that's hardly the same thing, is it?) Once it was just when I was holding her and her diaper was loose, but the other three times, it's been when I'm changing her. I thought I'd dodged that particular problem by having a girl! Sigh . . . Shows what I know, eh?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Technical Specifications

Date of Birth: 4/2/2008
Time of Birth: 1218 hours
Weight: 7 pounds, 12 ounces
Length: 20.25 inches

Hair/eye color: Too close to call
Favorite foods: Dairy, fingers (human only--after all, we're vegans!)
Favorite singer: Me! (Although she also seems to dig Smokey Robinson)

Pictures from the First Week

Minus the one where I look like Bob Dylan . . .

Welcome Luna!

Okay, so I'm giving in to Annie's suggestion and starting a blog to keep everyone updated on Luna. I suppose this is better than sending everybody a million emails with subject lines like: "Look at the size of that spit bubble!"

Man, we showed up at Kaiser with our hip little natural birth plan and it just got torn to shreds! At one point, a nurse looked it over and said "Well, we got the 'unhurried' part . . ." After over an hour and a half of pushing, there was not much sign of Luna, so Cindy ended up having a C-section. Then Kaiser kept me and Luna in another room for a couple of hours until we both started asking questions. (That's me and Cindy; Luna hasn't mastered interrogative sentences yet.) They told me that Cindy wasn't ready yet, while they told Cindy that I must have been too fascinated with the baby to come see her! Soon after, we were all happily reunited in a tiny shared room with construction going on next door. (Seriously--power tools at 7:00 a.m.!) There's gotta be a better place to have a kid . . .