Okay, so I'm giving in to Annie's suggestion and starting a blog to keep everyone updated on Luna. I suppose this is better than sending everybody a million emails with subject lines like: "Look at the size of that spit bubble!"
Man, we showed up at Kaiser with our hip little natural birth plan and it just got torn to shreds! At one point, a nurse looked it over and said "Well, we got the 'unhurried' part . . ." After over an hour and a half of pushing, there was not much sign of Luna, so Cindy ended up having a C-section. Then Kaiser kept me and Luna in another room for a couple of hours until we both started asking questions. (That's me and Cindy; Luna hasn't mastered interrogative sentences yet.) They told me that Cindy wasn't ready yet, while they told Cindy that I must have been too fascinated with the baby to come see her! Soon after, we were all happily reunited in a tiny shared room with construction going on next door. (Seriously--power tools at 7:00 a.m.!) There's gotta be a better place to have a kid . . .
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