Time of Birth: 1218 hours
Weight: 7 pounds, 12 ounces
Length: 20.25 inches
Hair/eye color: Too close to call
Favorite foods: Dairy, fingers (human only--after all, we're vegans!)
Favorite singer: Me! (Although she also seems to dig Smokey Robinson)
AKA the Luna Picture Depot
ahhhhhhhh! look at that beautiful kid you made! and welcome to the blogosphere...weird but very handy for baby adoration and information...
oh, and ditto on the construction with all three of my kaiser babies.
I think under a highway overpass would be more peaceful...
love your blog name and "LUNA" is perfect in so many ways!
Hey, do we have your permission to link your blog on ours, Mac wants to know??
hope everything is restful and snuggly at your house
annie and family
Congratulations! We were so happy to hear your darling Luna (love that name) finally joined your family!! She is adorable!!
And, I know about those birth plans...Ry's delivery was at UCSD, supposed to be in this huge birthing room, but we ended up basically in a closet with a shared bathroom...ah well the end result is worth it!
Lots of hugs, Lydia & family
Welcome, Luna!!
What a beautiful baby and so lucky to have a father who knows best - already :)
It looks like Cindy is doing great. The baby look definitely suits you both.
We can't wait to see Luna in person...
We hope you are able to take lots of time to enjoy family life
Lots of Love,
Andrea, Paul, Maddy and Evan Chiba
YOU are sooo lucky Luna was born on the second!! LOL! Julian and her would have almost been birthday twins!
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