Thursday, April 17, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yes, I'm 34 today. Cash gifts will not be sneered at.

Luna is having a growth spurt. Not only are her cheeks getting chubbier, but she wants to eat ALL THE TIME! Poor Cindy is on a very short leash. I feel bad that I always have to hand her off, saying "She's eating her hand again." (This seems to be a consistent hunger sign, although she will sometimes attempt to nurse from me, as well, with little success.)


Paul & Christine & Brianna & Cody said...

Welcome to the world Luna! Wow! You are so tiny and cute. I am so happy for you both. Congrats to you Dmitry for your beautiful daughter...and Cindy, this brings back memories of when Mom and Dad brought you back after you were born! So little and cute and precious!

erica said...

Happy Birthday Dmitry!