Thursday, April 10, 2008

Pictures from the First Week

Minus the one where I look like Bob Dylan . . .


Anonymous said...

She's so cute, I just want to hold
her all day!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Who is that guy in the beige shirt, in the second to the last pic! He's so hot!

J-Mom said...

She looks like Dimitri!!!

lydiafdc said...

Dimtry its me Indika Luna is cute she looks like an angel compared to my brother Ry. Whats Lunas middle name I have to know.

P.S. Tell me at school

ma otter said...

we wanna see bob dylan

Amy said...

Luna is absolutely beautiful !! Congrats to both of you ! What a great idea to start a blog!
I also vote for the Bob Dylan Picture!
P.S. Enjoy your BabyMoon...